Expressions in Architecture
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Expression in Architecture
ARC 314i
Expression in Architecture covers both the practice and the discipline of architecture. The course introduces you to how architects design buildings as well as the history of architecture and how the built environment affects humans.
Topics include Egyptian architecture, from the Great Pyramid to the Burj Khalifa - one of the most famous buildings in the world at over 2,484 feet tall. Vernacular, popular, high style and sustainable architecture are also addressed.
The course teaches sketching buildings and the completion of your residence will be achieved using computer-aided design (an easy to use software). The course is taught by a professional architect, referencing examples of actual practice, and addresses the interconnectedness of nature, the arts, history, environmental psychology, and architecture using the built environment as the foundation for the study.
Students will learn to critically examine the built environment by learning how architecture expresses human cultures, social structures, economic and political status, and spiritual beliefs.